14 January 2008

While I wait

There is never a dull moment in my life. So while I wait and see what the future holds, I just dig deep and research everything that might potentially come my way. A bit hasty I know, but I’ll rather read everything, than nothing. Well being a PM helps a lot when one has to plan for anything in your life, and so with all my projects, I prefer to be prepared and plan. I know this is not a project, and mustn’t be seen as one, but hey… this is me. Over and above all that is currently happening with my big wait for my answers, am I also planning for a birthday party for my godchild, who is turning 5! It keeps me busy, and keeps my mind of all the negative things I think up. The party has been arranged for 26 Jan 08, and I truly hope it will be a great success. I’ll share some pictures after that. Anyway, I started reading the book by Tertia Albertyn, So close: Infertile and addicted to hope. What an amazing book. I can’t believe that one person can go thought so much in life, and still be positive. For those who haven’t read it… you’re loosing out on a very special experience. I have also started with charting; I have been doing it for a while, but not really eagerly. So I decided that if things have to happen for me, I need to pull my weight. So I am positive about this, and do the temp thing everyday, effectively same time… the whole toot. What a strange feeling this is. You wake up, and where every other person will wake up, get up and do what ever they want… I wake up, remember to temp, lay there wait for it, document it, and then the rest will follow. It just feels so strange. I thought I’ll share some info that I have read up during last week. All of cause about ovulation During ovulation, the egg that has matures in your ovary is released and settles into one of your fallopian tubes, then after ovulation, this egg will survive for only approximately 24 hours. If you have a 28-day cycle and your ovulation occurs about the 14th day, it means that your most fertile times occur during days 11 to 17 of your cycle, but taking into consideration that not all women have 28 days cycles. The challenging but is to pinpoint the precise day of ovulation. The easiest, but least precise way is to chart your CD’s on a calendar bearing in mind that your CD1 begins on the first day of not spotting, but when you experiences regular flow. Once you know how many days your cycle generally is you subtract 14 days from the predicted end of the cycle to determine time of ovulation. Another option is the BBT Chart (Basal body temperature). To measure your BBT, you simply take your temperature every morning when you wake up and chart it on a calendar. Your BBT should rise about a half degree two days after a surge in your LH (luteinising hormones) occurs, indicating that ovulation has happened. Physical release of the ovum (egg) probably occurs on the day prior to the first temperature elevation. You can also buy an ovulation predictor kit. They’re available without a prescription, and are simple to use. You’ll be able to predict ovulation 24 to 36 hours in advance. The kit works by measuring increases in a woman’s LH level just prior to ovulation. But after reading all this, small print still says that it is not the most effective ways. And so I end this note for today.

1 comment:

  1. Great book you're reading. I also bought one, it really helps you understand the fact that you are not the first person who goes through this, it also puts everything in context.


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